Please complete the form to indicate the date of your child’s return to in-person. Once we receive responses we will communicate a class timetable that includes in-person and online classes to cater for all students.
Hive In-Person Classes Will Reopen From Oct 25th following Government Health Orders:
Between Oct 25 and December 1, Government Health Orders are in place for ALL NSW residents. This affects who can attend Hive classes:
- Vaccination: Students Families – We have been informed by Service NSW that the most likely requirement for students attending classes between Oct 25 and Dec 1 will be that both parents will need to be fully vaccinated and provide vaccination certificates. We are seeking further clarification from NSW Health, and we will provide further updates as they become available. Please keep this in mind as you complete the survey below. After Dec 1, all restrictions are set to cease and we look forward to welcoming all students back.
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