

Hives Bee-School program is really something unique in terms of early childhood education. With a primary focus on the creative arts, it’s our aim to nurture creative thinking and develop talent in Art, Musicianship and Performance.

We offer half-day programs for children aged 3-5 yrs at our Newcastle studio, to engage in a variety of projects and activities in Art, Drama, Music, Dance, Musical Theatre, Creative Science and Sensory Play, desiged to gear preschoolers into becoming creative thinkers in preparation for their formative school years.

Half Day Sessions

Full Day Sessions

Half Day Session

Mon, Tues, Wed. Fri | 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

Our morning sessions are centred around the core creative skills of creating music, art, acting and storytelling. The session offers a holistic approach to developing talent in these areas through our playful, well organized learning programs, delivered by highly talented teachers who are selected for their skills in engaging young children in the wonder of creative learning.

Each week your child will participate in a playful music class filled with singing, movement and instruments, they’ll eat morning tea together (byo) then create beautiful artwork, guided step by step.  Lastly they will participate in a story based acting experience where they will engage with the characters in the story, become part of the story as it is acted out, explore feelings, emotions, body language and facial expressions, which form the basis of strong social-emotional skills alongside emerging acting skills.

• Drama
• Music
• Visual Arts

Our Preschool Performing Arts class is available for:
• 3-5 year olds (this is a drop-off/pick up session and students must be toilet trained)

Class Duration:
3 hrs

Class Location:
All Bee-School sessions are held at our Charlestown studio in Newcastle.

Class Fees:
Half Day: $54/session

Students are required to wear their Bee-School shirt to their sessions. These can be purchased for $35, either at reception or online HERE

Full Day Session

Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri | 8:45 am – 2:45 pm

Our Bee-School Full Day session includes all the areas of creative learning.

Our Full day sessions offer an extension of our morning learning session. Building on the core creative skills, we add our creative science program which nurtures curiosity, problem solving and creative thinking skills, Musical theatre which strengthens a child’s confidence, extends their enjoyment of singing and develops a love of performing. Lastly, children unleash their own unique ideas and imaginations in our themed Creative Playroom program, engaging in pretend play, messy play and strengthening their friendships.

Our Preschool Performing Arts class is available for:
• 3-5 year olds (this is a drop-off/pick up session and students must be toilet trained)

Class Duration:
6 hrs

Class Location:
All Bee-School sessions are held at our Charlestown studio in Newcastle.

Class Fees:
Full Day: $106/session

Students are required to wear their Bee-School shirt to their sessions. These can be purchased for $35, either at reception or online HERE

Unlimited Makeups


Need to miss a class? No worries!
Notify your absence no less than 2 hrs before your class (via the Client Portal) to receive a makeup token.
Makeups have a 2 month expiry, and may only be accessed while you are enrolled.

NB: Your makeup token will appear on your account AFTER the missed classed has finished. 

Meet the Full
Bee-School Team

Beth Peach-Robinson
Bee-School teacher

Rebecca Hrobat
Bee-School Teacher

Lee Seaman
Bee-School Teacher

Charli Walker
Bee-School Teacher

Eloise Sheean
Bee-School Teacher